
Sunday, 21 November 2010

Hot Tub DIY: Hot Tub Easy Water Guide

Hot Tub DIY: Hot Tub Easy Water Guide: "Hot Tub DIYEasy Water Guide Keeping the water in your hot tub or spa clean safe and crystal clear is easy when you know how. This guide wil..."

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Hot Tub Easy Water Guide

Hot Tub DIY
Easy Water Guide

Keeping the water in your hot tub or spa clean safe and crystal clear is easy when you know how. This guide will show you the way to achieve this in about half an hour a week.

Hot Tub Repair Man, together with Biolab UK (a leading supplier of spa water care products) has put together this easy to use guide to water management using Chlorine as the sanitising agent. (Bromine can be used as an alternative to Chlorine but should never be used at the same time as Chlorine).

All the product names in this guide are Spa Guard products which are available from   N.B. Other brands are available.

When testing the water, ensure that all jets and air blowers are turned off. If they are turned on you will get inaccurate test results. Before adding chemicals to your spa, water jets should be switched on as this will help disperse the chemicals more quickly. Turn the jets off and allow the water to setle before re-testing.

To help you add the correct amounts of products to your water, make a note of the capacity of your spa and follow the instructions on the product pack label. Quantities in this guide are estimates based on the capacity of an average spa.
Daily (or an hour or before using the spa)
  • Test the spa water using a 4 way test strip. The OK ranges for Ph, total alkalinity, Chlorine/Bromine and water hardness are shown as coloured squares on the side of the strips container. Simply add chemicals in your water to match the chart on the container.
  • Check Chlorine levels and adjust chemicals to show a level of 3-6 PPM (Parts per Million). To quickly increase Chlorine levels add Chlorine Concentrate. To gradually increase the Chlorine levels simply increase the number of chlorine tablets in your floating Chlorine tablet dispenser.
  • If Chlorine levels get too high, simply remove some Chlorine tablets from the dispenser. Chlorine levels will decrease as the spa is used.
  • Check the Ph level of the water and adjust the Ph value to give a reading of 7.2 – 7.6 increase the Ph level use Balance Pak 200. To decrease the Ph level use Lo ‘N’ Slo.
Once a week
  • Top up the water level if the water line is below the level of the uppermost jets.
  • Using a 4 way test strip, adjust the total alkalinity by using Balance Pak 100 to show a reading of 80-150 PPM (Parts Per Million) as directed on the product pack.
  • Over a period of a few days bacteria will build up in the water. To reduce the possibility of contamination by these bacteria, Oxidise or “Shock” the water by adding a Spa Lite sachet following the instructions on the product packet.
  • Check the floating Chlorine tablet dispenser and add Chlorine if required.
  • Clean the waterline using Surface Cleaner sparingly on a soft non abrasive cloth.
  • Add a capful of Antifoam drizzled around the edges of the water (If required).
  • Add up to 1 capful of Polysheen to the water; this is a clarifier which will keep the water looking crystal clear.
  • In areas of hard water add 1-2 capfuls of Stain and Scale Control per week.
Once a Month
  • Turn the power off to your spa.
  • If your spa is fitted with pleated filter(s) remove the filter(s) and hose them down, then soak them overnight in a solution of Filter Brite and then allow to dry.
  • It is best to have a second set of filters so that you can alternate them each month.
  • When you have refitted the clean filter turn the power back on.
Every 3 Months
  • Turn off the power to your spa.
  • Completely drain your spa water and thoroughly clean the shell using Surface Cleaner.
  • If your spa is equipped with a disposable filter remove and discard the old filter and fit a new one.
  • Fit New filter(s) ensure the new filter(s) are rolled around in the water to remove any air before fitting them.
  • Then Fill your spa with water to the correct level.
  • Oxidiser or “Shock” the water with a Spa Lite sachet following the instructions on the packet.
  • Turn the power back on to your spa.
  • In soft water areas, increase the water hardness by using Balance Pak 300 Calculate the correct dosage by using the chart on the pack and pre-dissolve before adding to the spa water.
  • Test the total alkalinity and Ph levels by using a 4 way test strip. Adjust the levels as required check that the floating Chlorine tablet dispenser has enough Chlorine tablets inside.
  • Wash the hot tub cover and allow it to dry, and then treat it with outdoor weather resist and vinyl protector 303 Protectant. 303 Protectant can also be used on spa headrests to protect them from wear and tear.

Or have a service engineer visit you to do a Fresh Start Service which includes all chemical checks and spa cleaning.
Once a year
  • Filters should be replaced once a year (or every two years if you have been alternating between two sets).
·         If your spa has a wooden cabinet, clean it thoroughly and treat it with Teak Oil or another recommended product.
  • Have your hot tub or spa checked and fully serviced once a year by a service engineer. This service will include all electrical checks, inspection of pipe unions and seals, and a full drain and cleaning of the spa shell. Also inspection and for any repairs and refilling of the tub.

Safety Notes
Ensure that you always follow the directions on the product containers. Be very careful when measuring and adding chemicals to the spa as windy conditions may blow them back towards you. Ideally wear suitable protective clothing such as goggles and gloves. This is intended as a guide only, consult your dealer for more information. Hot tub repair man accepts no responsibility for the safety of spa owners, operators or users.

This document is intended as a guide only